Sober Living Houses

Residents in Phase I carry an AA/NA meeting card that is checked for compliance with the expectation that they attend five meetings per week. Residents must abide by a nightly curfew and sign in and out for accountability. To progress to Phase II, a resident must have been in Phase I a minimum of thirty days and have not been reprimanded for any violation of house rules for thirty days.

  • High accountability sober living is another recovery option that is significantly stricter than a traditional sober living home.
  • For more information on our therapeutic living communities and recovery houses, call and speak to us for a free and confidential treatment assessment. homes are an extremely popular and effective choice of recovery residence programs for people in addiction recovery. They are useful for both men and women at various stages in the recovery process. Residents may not have to pay for utilities at all, making housing very affordable.


It often acts as a bridge between rehabilitation and preparing members to live independently – drug- and alcohol-free. While residents aren’t required to have completed a rehab program before entry, many of them have. The tools that individuals learn in intensive rehab programs may set them up for more sustainable success in a sober living house. Finances can be crucial in determining the best plan for your recovery. However, sober living houses are not covered under insurance since they do not provide treatment services and thus aren’t considered rehabilitative facilities.

structured sober living

There are usually schedules that everyone must follow and be held accountable for. Rules, regulations, curfews, chores, drug and alcohol tests, group sessions, and outside recovery-related meetings are often incorporated into your day-to-day life. A sober companion provides personalized assistance to those struggling with addiction.

What is a Structured Sober Living Environment?

We encourage everyone to reinforce positive lifestyle changes through adventure, support, and peer feedback. Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) originated in the 1930s and provided the steppingstones for sober housing by requiring strict sobriety, participation in the community, peer support, and a 12-step program. However, AA did little to address housing needs for its participants as they worked through the program. Consider asking folks at a recovery meeting or touching base with any sober friends you may have. If you recently completed a treatment program, contact the staff there for referrals to local sober living homes. Research on sober living houses also states that residents experience a higher possibility of securing employment and a lower likelihood of getting arrested.

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